Check out some of the varying updates that have been made to Cold Creek through out the years!
In April Cold Creek got a new high ropes element. The element replaced an older damaged element, pictured on far right. The new element, X's & O's, has had great success and has been a fun addition.
ImageCold Creek officially opened their disc golf course on July 8th 2023. For more info about our disc golf course go to our Disc Golf Course page.
ImageAll of these projects where funded by York Region Greening Action Partnership Fund.
ImageBoot brushes can be found at varying trail heads throughout the site to help prevent the spread of invasive species.
ImageIn late 2023 Cold Creek installed a new automated gate that opens at 8:30am and closes at 4:30pm. This gate will streamline access to the park and ensure we can continue to offer reliable service moving forward.
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Cold Creek is excited to introduce a new low ropes element. Summer camps, school groups and registered programs will have the opportunity to use the new element.
An exciting and cutting edge climate change initiative is being piloted at Cold Creek with the installation of 4 Canadian Made solar panels installed on the roof of the Cold Creek Education Centre. These solar panels are used to power our two EcoFlow Generators. Making great strides in clean energy innovation in the Township. The two generators are a Ecoflow Delta Pro -
3600 Watt Portable Power Station, and a EcoFlow Delta 2 -1000W Portable Power Station. EcoFlow is the leader in solar power generators in North America.- Image
Spring 2024, Township of King received funding support through the Canadian Wildlife Federation Rights-of-Way as Habitat project in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA) grant to create meadow habitat for Monarch butterflies - an umbrella species for our native pollinators. The area was seeded in the early spring with native seed mix consisting of 32 native wildflowers and grasses that will provide local food and habitat to a variety of pollinator species and wildlife for years to come. The site will be monitored annually to assess native seed growth in each plot and remove unwanted weeds and invasives from the area.